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  • Writer's pictureBJW


Read time = 6.5 hours

Page count = 272

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The Gist

In our rapidly changing modern world, quick, creative thinking is an essential skill. Mlodinow details the neuroscience behind the generation of so-called “shower thoughts” and creative thinking in general. He describes various factors that affect our creative potential, from the obvious (THC, alcohol), to the obscure (mental illness, ayahuasca, transcranial electrical stimulation).

The Verdict = 7/8

Mlodinow is easily my favorite science writer now, this being the second book I’ve read by him. Being diagnosed (probably inaccurately) with ADHD, I was fascinated by his description of how the brains of ADHD patients differ from “normal” people. (Their reward system provides weaker stimulation, causing them to be more motivated to jump to various tasks in order to increase stimulation). Reading this book almost makes me want to become a psychologist.

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