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  • Writer's pictureBJW

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Updated: Sep 2, 2019

An Introduction of Sorts

Hello folks. You may know me by my initials, BJW. I would tell you my full name and/or my age, but I feel like telling you that, along with various other personal characteristics and unimportant opinions [such as political beliefs] would only serve to detract from the content I wish to share on my blog. Consider this a partial introduction of sorts [and possibly the only one you’ll receive]. I plan on perhaps later creating videos dubbed with voice-overs in response to future responses and questions concerning the content on my website, but that is a long way off, in the event that this blog becomes popular to the extent that such ventures would be not an entire waste of time. So in the long run, you guys might to get to hear my voice [not that it really matters], and figure out my gender from that, but again, that’s a long way off in a hypothetical future.


On this blog, it is my intent to promote and share my reasons for holding particular beliefs and interests on the topics of STEM fields and life as a student in said fields, hence my somewhat unmemorable tagline: “life as a STEM student.” To promote my beliefs and interests, but not necessarily myself, if such a distinction can be made. I aim to encourage critical thinking, to “trust but verify”; to fight against miscellaneous mindless trends I see occasionally in society; and perhaps to help readers pick up a thing or two about science. I can't claim to be a complete expert on biology, but I do my best to keep the facts straight. Feel free to correct me if you think something is incorrect.

I choose to remain relatively anonymous. Why? A slightly controversial opinion of mine is that when intelligently considering an idea, one should have no allegiance other than to what one’s own mind thinks is right. Any overlap of opinion between people ought to be almost entirely coincidental. A person ought to believe something, not because a particular person told them to accept something, but because they genuinely think that it is right. I don’t want people to agree or disagree with the things I will say on this blog simply because they know who I am. I want people to examine the ideas I have to offer on this blog, free from any baggage or associations with my physical person.

People coming from my personal social media [for I intend to promote this blog to a limited degree there], will for obvious reasons know of my background and for the most part something about my personality and idiosyncrasies. That is completely fine with me, as I have some degree of control over who gets to associate my opinions with my identity. I think I’ve said enough justifying my partial anonymity.

Personal Philosophy

Even as a “vanilla” student, but I think particularly as a STEM student, one cannot help but come into contact with what is unknown every day as you go to class. Otherwise, you wouldn’t learn things, would you? Your success in academia and whatever career you choose is reliant upon the methods with which you engage said unknowns. I fight against what is personally impossible for me. You do it, I do it, every day that we go to school, for as we learn new skills and master new concepts, we accomplish what was formerly impossible in our not-so-distant past. I wish however, to fight to the point that I may face what humanity regards as its collective frontier of the unknown, the impossible. That is all that our education is, a long journey to link up with the frontlines of the war against the impossible. I wish you luck on your journey. Enjoy the blog and fight well.

Your fellow fighter,


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